Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Oh man!


Heeeeere I come!

I'm figuring I'll set the bar low for expectations from this blog. If you're looking for extraneous and disorganized accounts of what I'm doing, somewhat more organized and very serious analysis of irrelevant topics, and very very serious but doomed attempts to try to be, my blog-reading cyber-friend, have googled your way to the right url!

I'm still in Colorado, but I'm thinking about packing, so that kinda justifies a blog post here.

Here's just a small taste of what is to come:

I feel I've done a poor job of preparing myself so far. I've practiced Arabic far less than I had planned to, and have done less reading in preparation than I had hoped to. I hadn't anticipated how much shopping I would have to do, so a fair amount of that still has to be done as well. But you know, everyone starts out slowly. Not everyone, but it happens. I, at least, have had many a poor starts to things that ended up working out quite well in my life, so I'm not even concerned yet. I have managed to learn over the break, and I feel like I'm getting a better idea of what things will be like. I'm excited to learn, though.

Ok, so yeah, I've been packing. Dare to read on if you dare. I won't even promise to post updates regularly, but I'll try.

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